Community Life
FAYA | Fifth Avenue Young Adults
We are an open and affirming community for those in their 20s and 30s. We’d love to get to know you!

Some of us are pursuing our dreams and passions, while some of us are still searching. Some of us are swiping right on Hinge, while others are thinking about kids. Some of us are lifelong New Yorkers, while others are only here for a short time. No matter how long you are with us, your presence is equally valued.
We value relevant conversations—if it’s important to the world, it’s important to God. We value one another—we know that we could not get through this world alone, so we celebrate the friendships found here. We value the work of justice. We long to love God and our neighbor better.
We model vulnerability to create a community of support, stability and safety. We confess that, at times, we fall short. Yet, through Christ’s mercy and grace, we forgive and strive to do better. We seek to accept those who feel unaccepted, because we are all beloved children of God and, through the grace of God, we are enough.
We are the future and the present of the church. We don’t have it all figured out, but we are discovering what life looks like and how faith fits in it.
Check out our ongoing programs and upcoming events. To receive our weekly e-newsletter, email [email protected]. You can also join our Facebook group and follow us on Insta.
Our Programs
FAYA Midweeks
FAYA Midweeks are our Wednesday night gathering. These evenings rotate themes, toggling between fellowship, small groups, and faith nights. The doors open to the Living Room at 5:30 pm on Wednesdays, and programming starts at 6:30 pm! This spring you can expect things such as our second FAYA worship night, tie-dying t-shirts on the terrace, reading Kate Bowler’s book together, and meaningful conversation in small groups. Together, we will continue to make Wednesdays one of the best days of the week. // Midweeks begin on September 11.
Fridays in the Living Room
Every Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, members of FAYA are invited to co-work in The Living Room, our new 7th floor space! Bring your computer, your homework or a book and we will provide snacks, coffee and tea! This is also a great time for one-on-one visits with the FAYA leadership team. We’d love nothing more than to schedule an hour to catch up with you! Questions? Email [email protected].
Service & Mission
Throughout the year we offer great opportunities to serve God by helping others—locally and around the world—while forming meaningful bonds with one another. Stay up to date with our newsletter and Instagram for these events!
Social Events
Who doesn’t need a little bit more joy in their life? Each month we gather together with the sole purpose of connecting and having fun. These events include everything from happy hours to baseball games, museum visits to escape rooms, picnics in the park and update hikes. We would love to have you join us!
Trips and Retreats
Research says that it can take 72 hours for a group to form. That is why we need trips and retreats: we get serious quality time together! As a result, every fall and spring we schedule a long weekend away out of town. These weekends are for small groups, intentional conversation, lots of late-night laughter, massive meals together, and more.
Open & Affirming
No matter where you are on your journey of life, love or faith you are welcome here. This is an open and affirming group. Bring your full, authentic self, exactly as you are, and know that we will celebrate you. To practice this welcome, we invite participants to list their pronouns (if desired) on their nametags, we make sure to discuss sexuality in Scripture throughout the year, we celebrate Pride Month, we try to host our events near a gender-neutral restroom in the church, we partner with the church’s larger LGBTQ+ ministry (The Word Is Out), and we always strive to continue learning and growing.
Learn More
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Check out our group photos
About Our Name
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church has a long history with young adult ministry—like 1889 long. Can you believe it?!
In 1889, a young adult ministry was formed called “The Young People’s Christian Association.” This group existed and grew until 1960. That’s when a new name entered the scene: FAYA, or Fifth Avenue Young Adults. The young adult ministry went by this name for more than 25 years, thriving throughout that time.
Then, in the mid- to late 80s, new names began to be introduced. In different seasons, this group went by the names “Midtowners,” “Focus,” “NEXT” and “20s+30s.”
In 2021, after studying up on the group’s history, members of this community decided to return to our roots and honor where we’ve been by bringing back the name FAYA. We celebrate where we’ve come from and all who went before us to make this ministry what it is. The rest is history!