Worship · September 1, 2022
Holy Ground: The Fall Sermon Series
Holy Ground: Loving and Caring for God's Creation begins on Sunday, Sept. 18, and continues through Sunday, Nov. 20.
The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for God has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers. — Psalm 24:1-2
By Scott Black Johnston
God loves creation.
In Scripture, God eyes the world—its waters and its winds, its mountain goats and its sequoias. The Holy One leans against a fence post, inspects creation and chortles: “This is good. Very good.”
So naturally, the Judeo-Christian tradition challenges humanity, God’s children, to love the world, too. After all, we are part of creation. The earth gives us substance and nurtures us. This blue-green planet is our beloved home. When, in the book of Genesis, God asks humankind to care for creation, we nod.

And then we shudder!
Every day, we read about historic temperature changes, vanished animals and rising ocean levels. Every year, the planet is beset by more-and-more powerful storms, record-setting droughts and massive wildfires.
The scientific reasons for these catastrophes are complex, but their root cause is indisputable. Human activity has changed the earth’s climate. Our actions have done great harm to vulnerable ecosystems, species and people. In so many ways, we have injured our beloved home.
Can creation recover? Can we help?
This fall, in a series of 10 sermons, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church will engage the bedrock environmental challenge set out by our faith: Be loving stewards of the earth’s lands, waters, air and creatures. In embracing this challenge, we will study hard facts. We will hold each other accountable. We will strive to walk a path that is both moral and hopeful, remembering, always remembering, Scripture’s counsel: We tread on holy ground.
See you in worship!
This sermon series has inspired of events this fall with an environmental focus. You’ll find them listed on the right side of this page.