General News · June 6, 2024
Reaching Beyond Our Walls
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church calls the Rev. Natalie Owens-Pike to a new role.

The walls of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church are known for their breadth. Our diverse congregation has over 2,000 active members. Our Sanctuary can hold over 1800 people for any given service. Our church, built in 1875, joins with the Curry Church House, added in 1925, to hold several additional worship spaces, meeting rooms, dining rooms, an auditorium, a great hall, an education center, and a kitchen.
But our walls are even wider still. Our congregation and campus have grown far beyond the church’s physical location. Under the careful stewardship and ministry of the Rev. Natalie Owens-Pike, director of ministry to the online campus, our online community has flourished in the past year. To better address our online members, the church’s leadership moved to call a minister for this critical segment of our community. They did not have to look far.
On Sunday, May 19, during the celebration of Pentecost, Ken Henderson, President of the Board of Trustees, presented Owens-Pike to the congregation as a candidate for the position of Associate Pastor for Ministry to the Online Campus. An emphatic vote followed, with the full support of all present. You can watch it here. The church welcomed Owens-Pike into her new role with a standing ovation.
“Natalie is a remarkably faithful and creative innovator,” says the Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston, Senior Pastor of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. “She has welcomed souls who have come to us through our website and YouTube channel and woven them into a larger community. From Beijing to Boston and everywhere in between, NOP, as she is often called, is helping all of us reimagine the boundaries of “church.” Under NOP’s guidance, events like online coffee hour and liturgical practices like virtual communion have become lively, engaging, liturgically powerful moments. And she continues to shepherd these experiences with an eye toward inclusion, honest engagement and grace. We are straight-up blessed to call her as an Associate Pastor and we can’t wait to see what she’ll do next!”
Owens-Pike’s work will touch almost every facet of the church. She will be deeply involved in online education, conducting Bible studies and book groups for far-flung members. She will also increase their access to our in-person educational offerings. Forging strong connections between our members is a high priority for Owens-Pike. She will help bring those outside of the city into the folds of our community groups.
“NOP is a natural leader,” says Black Johnston. “Which is exactly what this position needs. She has been studying the best practices of other churches and will work closely with our Hybrid Church Council to grow the engagement of our online community. She is constantly asking: What works, what doesn’t, and how can we best help people engage in acts of service wherever they live?”
In addition to leading the online community, Owens-Pike will be a key member of both the pastoral staff and the church’s Senior Leadership Team. She will offer pastoral care to members and congregants both online and in New York City. Owens-Pike will lead in worship services, preach, and help recruit new members both near and far to the church.
“It has been a tremendous honor to become your pastor and to become a part of this community,” says Owens-Pike. “Our online members and friends have inspired and blessed me throughout the year with the depth of their faith and the energy of their commitment. The members and clergy of this church are doing a new thing, one that springs forth like a river in the desert. I am overjoyed to be a part of this vibrant community and share it with the world. Thank you very much.”