Family Ministries · November 13, 2020
Welcome, Brooke Matejka!
Brooke is currently pursuing a dual Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Education at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Brooke is currently pursuing a dual Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Education at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Brooke says that she has felt called to ministry from an early age. Raised in a pentecostal church, she was sometimes discouraged from asking questions. She later realized that she could become a leader who encouraged a sense of curiosity. “During college, I began to reconstruct my faith and realized how my loneliness could have been spared if a youth leader had welcomed my questions and journeyed alongside me. After receiving encouragement from pastors and professors, I applied to seminary to be that person my younger self wished was available.”
Brooke sees the challenge of being an intern during this virtual time and is ready. “This moment is showing us how much we treasure gathering together, and how many creative options we have while we must be apart. I also believe this is teaching the church to value millennial and Gen Z leadership for their ability to make
authentic digital connections.”
We are excited to welcome Brooke, and we are most excited by her response to our most pressing question: Donuts at youth group, yes or no? Said Brooke, “Of course. Cake donuts of every variety!”